Lifesize Interop | Skype for Business
Lifesize’s ability to fit within established workflows is just one of the reasons that it has become such a favored productivity tool in the collaboration space. Users want to remain within the app and user interface they already know, and few businesses are willing to change their way of working to accommodate a new communications and collaboration tool. And the larger the company is, the more reluctant it is to change.
At Lifesize, we get how adapting a new technology can be off-putting, so we work zealously to ensure that the Lifesize App blends smoothly with other productivity applications that companies favor. An excellent example is our compatibility with Skype for Business 2016. Many companies that have standardized on Microsoft applications use it for communication and collaboration, as it’s seamless when working with colleagues and other Microsoft customers.
Our software developers have worked hard to make the Lifesize App interoperable with Skype for Business 2016. Skype for Business users can call a Lifesize user or a meeting room with an award-winning Lifesize® Icon™ video system and vice versa to collaborate and share content. Of course, they can also choose to join a Lifesize virtual meeting room (VMR) and invite others to the party.